== Installation with Netbeans 7.1 and JDK-1.6 == === Checkout === On the Checkout panel of the netbeans IDE ( from the menu Team->Subversion->Checkout ). Use http://cherry.dcs.aber.ac.uk/svn/svn/MorphAnalyser/trunk as Repository URL. Enter login and password to the svn and click "next". Set the local folder where to checkout the project ( can create a new directory with the same name as the project and use it ). Choose "skip trunk" and "scan for Netbeans Projects after checkout" and click "finish". If everything is Ok the project should be checked out in the Netbeans projects forlder and the IDE might prompt to open the project. === Resolving References and Compiling === After opening the project, a set of broken references should be fixed. Here are the list of the libraries needed: * JOGL * jogl * gluegen-rt * JAVA3D * j3dcore * j3dutils * vecmath * JMF * jmf * customizer * mediaplayer * multiplayer * The FaceMorphLib is needed as well. If the jar is not available from the subversion ( http://cherry.dcs.aber.ac.uk/svn/svn/FaceMorphLib/trunk/dist/FaceMorphLib.jar ), it might be needed to check it out and compile it locally. After all the references have been resolved, the project can be compiled. === Running === Before running, the Java library path variable might be needed to be set: Open the project properties (right click on the project and Properties on the contextual menu). Choose the category "Run" on the right panel and in the VM Options, set the -Djava.library.path option to the JOGL and JAVA3D native libraries paths (eg. -Djava.library.path="path_to_jogl:path_to_java3d")