{12} View all reports (25 matches)

Id Type Created Modified Component Severity Priority Owner Reporter Cc Version Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Keywords
#1 defect 3:16:52 PM 1258644124000000 Patient_facility moderate 4 Gill gmm42 gmm42@…, gill348@… 2.0 critical_assessment closed fixed Sort by name function does not work in the View Patient List screen

Steps to reproduce

Go to the Patient Facility Select View Patient List

Actual results

Patients are listed in a random order

Expected results

Patients should be listed in alphabetical order

patient facility
#2 defect 3:40:39 PM 1258644088000000 Biochemistry major 2 gmm42 gmm42 gill348@… 2.0 implementation2 closed fixed Abnormal results are not flagged in the Results screens

Steps to reproduce

Go to Biochemistry. Choose the Results list from the menu.

Actual results

All results appear in the same style, whether or not they are in the normal range.

Expected results

Abnormal results should be highlighted in bold red text, with a warning logo to the left.

#4 defect 11:56:29 AM 1250349299000000 Patient_facility moderate 3 to be accepted gmm42 2.0 software_testing closed fixed Header returns to default value in the Print Facility

Steps to reproduce

Go to the Report Details screen Select the Title option Type a new header Submit changes

Actual results

When printed, Header returns to the default value of Report #.

Expected results

New header should be saved.

#5 defect 12:07:32 PM 1258644142000000 Print_facility trivial 5 to be accepted gmm42 mcneilg@… 2.0 software_testing closed fixed Subhead font colours don't display in the Print facility

Steps to reproduce

Go to the Report Details screen Select the Subhead Change colour Submit changes

Actual results

Nothing happens - subhead remains in default of black.

Expected results

Subhead should change to the new selected colour

#6 defect 12:13:06 PM 1258644072000000 Biochemistry critical 1 to be accepted urgently gmm42 gmm42@… 2.0 implementation1 closed fixed Auto-analyser causes computer to freeze

Steps to reproduce

Go to the result screen for any module - Biochemistry, Cytology, Haematology or Microbiology. Click on the Auto-analyse button.

Actual results

System freezes, and reboot is necessary to continue work. Any unsaved work is lost.

Expected results

Details analysis of results should appear.

#7 defect 12:19:36 PM 1258644107000000 Current_users major 2 gmm42 gmm42 2.0 implementation2 closed fixed Offsite users are not displayed

Steps to reproduce Go to the View current users screen. Actual results All on site users from this hospital are displayed, but not offsite users, such as those based at GP surgeries. Expected results All users should be displayed.

Note: There is a security implication here.

security, current users
#9 defect 2:09:01 PM 1251034732000000 MorphAnalyser moderate 3 gmm42 anonymous closed fixed midline in delineator window

Overview: Once checked, display midline in the delineator window remains displayed even when box is subsequently unchecked.

Steps to reproduce: Display a .obj in the delineator window Go to the view menu in the delineator window Check Display midline (midline appears) Go to view again Uncheck Display midline

Actual results: The midline remains

Expected results: The midline should disappear when Display midline is unchecked.

#10 defect 1:58:27 PM 1258994624000000 MorphAnalyser minor 3 bpt bpt 2.1.0 closed fixed Labels in Morphanalyser can't resize and can't have numbers in file

Labels in Morphanalyser can't resize and can't have numbers in file

Numbers need to be in quotes in the file to be parsed correctly.

Resizing the spheres doesn't resize the font.

#11 defect 1:59:25 PM 1258994675000000 JPsychomorph moderate 0 bpt bpt 2.0 closed fixed JPsychomorph batch delineation

No ability to do batch delineation in JPsychomorph

#13 defect 3:14:40 PM 1268407452000000 JPsychomorph 0 0 bpt anonymous 2.1.0 closed fixed Test 2

A test of the ticketing system

#14 defect 3:22:30 PM 1268407467000000 JPsychomorph 0 0 bpt bpt closed fixed Test 3

Another test of the bug reporting

#15 defect 3:23:38 PM 1268407484000000 not_known 0 0 bpt bpt closed fixed Test 4

Yet another test of the bug reporting

#16 defect 11:27:27 AM 1291030112000000 JPsychomorph 0 0 bpt testuser closed fixed testuser ticket

testing the self registration

#17 defect 10:02:53 AM 1291218926000000 JPsychomorph 0 0 bpt bpt closed fixed testuser ticket
#18 defect 10:14:17 AM 1291218942000000 JPsychomorph 0 0 bpt bpt bpt@… closed fixed another test ticket

Blah blah blah

#19 defect 2:58:07 PM 1309787887000000 JPsychomorph moderate 3 bpt bpt 4 new Warping with TPS and Linear transform errors

Two different sized images (one 2353x1568 and one 468x542), transforming the small image from the smaller to the larger TPS - image changes shape but colours look like border of larger image Linear - visible halo around transformed area, looks like not not pinning borders?

#20 defect 11:38:44 AM 1318243124000000 JPsychomorph 0 0 bpt bpt 4 software_testing new A test ticket

A test ticket as a demo.

#21 defect 4:58:01 PM 1318867081000000 JPsychomorph 0 1 bpt bpt 4 new GUI errors

Texture slider doesn't disable when texture transforms switched off. Templates switch themselves on to view whenever image is loaded (bug or feature?)

#22 defect 7:34:42 PM 1319654082000000 JPsychomorph 0 1 bpt bpt 4 new transform sequence processes colour when you tell it not to.

Doing a transform sequence, it insists on processing colour, even when you tell it not to.

#23 defect 7:35:45 PM 1319654145000000 JPsychomorph 0 1 bpt bpt 4 new Tcl/Tk vs Java superbatch transform

The superbatch transform file that works for the TCL version doesn’t do anything with the java one

#24 defect 12:20:54 PM 1332265695000000 JPsychomorph 0 0 Dave Hunter bpt 5 closed fixed Problems with Batch string parsing

The BufferedReader reads the line:

"muscle\77_2.jpg" "muscle\77_2.tem"

but the matcherQuoted Matcher returns " ". In file Batch.java, method:

public void readTXT(File f) throws java.io.IOException

around line 890

#25 defect 10:28:36 PM 1331072916000000 JPsychomorph moderate 2 bpt bpt 4 new Problems with ASM / Batch ASM

1) When fitting using ASM there is no defined behaviour for no normalisation 2) When fitting rigid body normalised it does the same thing as three-point normalise 3) When fitting with different 2 points specified third point number gets set to zero, but 3 point normalisation is used to initialise. Would be better to use 2 point normalisation to initialise.

#26 defect 9:21:08 PM 1335126068000000 JPsychomorph minor 3 bpt bpt 4 new Issues with saving and filenames


When you save templates, can you make it so the name of the current image is set as the default instead of a blank?

Can you make it impossible to save a .tem file with an image extension? If one accidentally clicks on the image name instead of the template name in the file chooser, it jst saves the .tem over the image file, which is sometimes disastrous.

#3 enhancement 3:49:35 PM 1258644152000000 Microbiology minor 5 any volunteers? gmm42 gmm42@… 2.0 software_testing closed fixed Function key request

Enhancement request

It would be beneficial to be able to order additional tests with a single keystroke.

#12 task 11:59:11 AM 1268407497000000 not_known 0 0 gmm42 axs@… closed fixed Ticket test

Hi Bernie,

Does this ticket get to you???

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